International Program

The mission of Children’s Medical Care Foundation (CMCF) is to ensure that the most advanced pediatric medical knowledge transcends borders and reaches a wide range of infants and children suffering from sickness and disease, thereby ensuring that all infants and children have equal access to the best medical care available.

The Children’s Medical Care Program (CMCF) philosophy is to provide ”Packages of Knowledge” in the form of Fellowships to Pediatric Specialists, from participating medical centers and universities, to train in the latest techniques and procedures at top medical centers in United States, Poland and Western Europe. CMCF is committed to building “International Medical Bridges” between countries through the open exchange of medical knowledge, building lasting relationships and alliances to transcend borders and reach a wide range of children suffering from sickness and disease.  Every child deserves the right to a healthy life.

Children’s Medical Care Foundation (CMCF) funds training for physicians through its innovative fellowship program, coordinates participation of physicians at pediatric symposiums around the world and provides pediatric medical texts and journals – all with the goal of assuring that geography is not a boundary for medical knowledge.

The International Pediatric Programs are organized into two major divisions based on geographic and program needs of the respective countries. These programs are funded through donations earmarked for the specific program, they are: Belarus, Russia & others.

CMCF is committed to expanding its fellowship program beyond the borders of Eastern Europe to include countries that have similar training needs as found in Eastern Europe. Each new country pediatric training program requires separate funding source in order to be initiated.  Donors interested in supporting the development of new pediatric fellowship programs should contact CMCF’s President, Bjoern Martinoff.

Developing  new country Pediatric Programs take years to develop and nurture.  It requires extensive exploratory work in identifying key doctors in medical university centers that would avail themselves to advanced pediatric training beyond their own country and the commitment to return to their own countries to implement their new found knowledge.  Funding has to identified first from generous donors who are committed to helping their own countrymen.  All funds received are designated to a specific country pediatric program.


In 2006-12, CMCF explored an international fellowship program in St. Petersburg. CMCF Board members Professor Joan Hodgman and Professor Smeeta Sardesai of Women and Children’s Hospital at USC Keck School of Medicine and Bjoern Martinoff, President visited several Children’s Hospitals in St. Petersburg to assess overall neonatology departments. Both Dr Hodgman and Dr Sardesai, both internationally know Neonatologists provided lectures during the visit.  In 2012, CMCF President Bjoern Martinoff, and Board Members Professors Michael P. Sherman and Smeeta Sardesai met with representatives in St. Petersburg, Russia to discuss establishing partnership and agreement for future Pediatric Fellowships Program for Russian doctors.

  • CMCF funded first Fellowship for Dr. Dmitry Naumov, Neonatologist, Municipal Children’s Hospital #1 in St. Petersburg, Russia, who trained with Professor Joan Hodgman, USC and Professor Michael P. Sherman, University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Medicine.

  • In 2013, CMCF funded six Fellowships to attend the 49th ERA-EDTA Congress in Paris.

Fellows came from St Petersberg Children’s Hospital NO.1 and St Nicholas Municipal Children’s Hospital.

In 2013, the 7th Congress on International Pediatric Transplant Association,(IPTA),Warsaw, was organized under the leadership of Professor Piotr Kalacinski, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Warsaw, a former CMCF Fellow and now one of the leading experts on Pediatric Transplantation. The IPTA was hailed as the most important congress that highlighted recent advances in clinical and basic sciences related to pediatric transplantation ever to be held in Poland.

  • CMCF supported 7 pediatric specialists from the Belorusian State Medical University and Belorusian Research Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology to attend the IPTA  conference. In 2013, CMCF also funded one Fellowship for a doctor to attend the 49th ERA-EDTA Congress in Paris.